Business at the top, couch-potato on the bottom.

It's been almost a year since our new normal began. Most of us have adjusted. We've become accustomed to the way we interact (or not) with each other. Virtual workplaces, virtual holidays, birthdays, I've even heard of virtual vacations. Funny thing is I remember a television commercial from twenty-five years ago highlighting a work-from-home scenario. The commercial was witty. A woman with bedhead, in her bathrobe and fuzzy slippers. The tagline? "I email over oatmeal." Of course, that would never fly in the age of Zoom and Google Hangouts. We've got the mullet version going on today. Business at the top, couch-potato on the bottom. That said, I'm pretty sure work-from-home is here to stay. I can even imagine the next incarnation. Maybe even full body Star Wars-Style holograms from home sweet home. Let's just hope Jabba the Hutt isn't running I.T. at the time! 😉 Other than not being free to see family and friends outside of Zoom, or freezing in ...