When Authors Kill...

 When Authors Kill...

A conversation I've had in my head writing each of my books...

Muse: He has to die.
Me: Are you sure?"
Muse nods, then eyes me from my own reflection. "Yes."
I blink once, then shrug. "It's not like I have any say in the matter, so..."
Muse grins. "I'm glad you finally see that." She pauses, considering me closer. "Now, the question is how do we do it?"

If this sounds like you took a ride on the crazy train, then you know what it's like for me. I'm an author. For creative types like me, our characters talk to use, and our muses are even worse. Mine, in particular, has no respect for day or night. She doesn't care whether I'm in the middle of a REM cycle, or in the shower. When she has something to say, I listen, and hopefully I have my laptop at the ready. If not, at least a pen and paper close by.

It's nuts, I know. But that's part of the creative process. I've found this notion fascinates most people. They often ask if I have to force myself to write a death scene, or if I experience guilt when my story develops to the point I know someone has to die. The answer is no. That doesn't mean I don't regret losing characters. Villain or hero, each one is my creation, and like most authors, I get very attached. Still, when the story calls for it, they have to go. I usually know who, pretty quickly, and it's not always the bad guy. Do I cry? Sometimes. Do I mourn the character? Always. 

Killing off a character is often cathartic, both for me as the author, and for the remaining characters in the story. Real life isn't always fair, and people suffer collateral damage every day. I try to keep that 'reality' feel throughout my books, their paranormal settings notwithstanding.

Now that you know a little about my process, the dark and the light, how about taking a chance on my crazy? Nah, really. The end product. The books... The Cursed by Blood Saga is the one I'd start with, and if you're partial to the fanged and fabulous, I've even put all the icy hot vampires from the series together in on special edition. The Undead Collection. Take a chance. They just might rock your world...or they might eat you. ๐Ÿ˜˜

The Special Edition UNDEAD Collection
Twists, Fantasy Romance and yep...a little darkness, too.

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