Who's Talking Now?
I never get tired of readers asking questions... about me, my books, on how I come up with my stories, or where I find inspiration. I'm an extrovert, and can be a giant flirt at times. I love to tease and joke, so when an interviewer asked where I got ideas for my stories, I replied, “the voices in my head.” The poor woman actually moved her chair back from me. I don’t know if she did so on purpose, or simply because she didn’t know what to make of my answer. Doesn’t matter, because either way I let my crazy slip. Thankfully, I have a wicked sense of humor, so I followed it up with, “Don’t worry. YOU they like.” Thankfully, she laughed. Though my guess is she’s still not too sure about me. The barefaced truth is all characters talk. They are living, breathing entities taking up residence in an author’s head. Here’s an example. Not too long ago, I posted a picture of Antonio Banderas on my Facebook author page. Why? Because it was the anniversary of my book Blood Legac y, an...